In the world of nutrition, few foods are as nutritionally dense as the berry; and in the world of berries, few of these tiny fruits are as nutritionally dense as Sea Buckthorn. Relatively rare (sea buckthorn grows mostly in Asia and Western Europe), difficult to harvest, and thriving in difficult climates, it’s amazing we ever came to learn the benefits of this super berry.
As a common treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), sea buckthorn has been often used as a general purpose skin care item. It’s included in Chinese skin care products including anti-aging creams, and even some acne treatments. Below are some of the common skin ailments that have been treated using the natural remedy known as sea buckthorn.
Psoriasis – Psoriasis is an aesthetically displeasing skin problem that occurs when the body produces skin cells too quickly. In America, this ailment is most often treated with creams based on cortisone or steroid ingredients. Sea buckthorn oil may help combat psoriasis symptoms. Click here to learn more about sea buckthorn and psoriasis.
Rosacea – Rosacea is redness of the skin caused by a number of factors including excess exposure to sunlight, stress, exercise, consumption of alcohol in excess, etc. It has been linked to demodex or face mites living in the face. Sea buckthorn’s unique nutritional density includes high concentrations of Vitamins A, C and E, which may support skin health. Click here to learn more about sea buckthorn and rosacea.
Acne – Sea buckthorn is uniquely rich in essential omega-3 and omega-7 fatty acids, also known as palmitoleic acid. It helps to heal the skin around acne that causes inflammation, allowing your skin to fight the natural causes of acne more effectively. Click here to learn more about sea buckthorn and acne.
Burns – Palmitoleic acid (Omega-7) is a key component to your skin’s health. It’s actually a component of skin; replacing Omega-7 quickly may help speed up the healing process in treating burn wounds. Amongst sea buckthorn’s numerous nutritional benefits is its dense palmitoleic acid content. In addition, the rich Vitamin C content of this berry supports overall skin health.
Wounds – One key word in relation to healing your skin after it’s wounded is flavanoids. For the most part, flavanoids function in nature as plant pigments. To the body, studies are showing that they help facilitate the healing of wounds. Guess what sea buckthorn is chock full of? That’s right: flavanoids.
Wrinkles – Wrinkles and overall skin health can be deeply intertwined. The unique and remarkable nutritional density of sea buckthorn has made it a traditional ingredient in anti-aging creams for decades; it’s been used as an anti-aging treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. Sea buckthorn is fantastically dense with Vitamin C and a number of antioxidants, all nutrients that facilitate cellular health… and skin repair. Click here to learn more about sea buckthorn and anti-aging.
General Skin Health – In many ways your skin, the largest organ in your body, reflects your overall health. Fewer foods on earth pack more nutrition into a smaller package than all natural sea buckthorn: Vitamins A, C and E; flavanoids; antioxidants; omega-3s; omega-7s; omega-9s. Sea buckthorn makes a great dietary supplement to support overall body health, and may have long term benefits that go well beyond skin care.
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